I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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talls's News

Posted by talls - November 27th, 2008

(This is a story proget by ultimatetailsfan and talls this is unfinished and injoy whats hear!)
Tails: Calib, theres to many of them!
Calib: I CAN TELL! We need a plan guys!
Razr: Ok......We could always run and live another day.
Calib: No! we cant run from them any more!
Razr: Fine I will need to unleash my dark side!!!
Tails: NO! you cant control it yet!!
Razr: *starts transfroming into his dark side*
Calib: We will need to use ours to!
Tails and Calib: 3...2....1.....DARKNESS LEAD US!!!
*A forgotten rushes at Razr he just slams him in the face and goesflying into two more guys*
Razr: RRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRRR! *unleashes a devastating combo of punchs and kicks on me and Tails*
Calib: Tails....*spits out blood*...we gotta run...its the only way!
Tails: ......No! we must fight until its over!
Calib: BUT its suicide! we would be uselles dead!
Tails: I know....but if John where here we wouldnt be in this situation...
Calib: Yes its my fault I shouldnt have cam down here with out him,but I had to! I had to find a power source for our new air ship!
Tails: Well were in this mess so we might as well get our selfs out ofit while we can!
Calib: RIGHT!
Tails: *trys to punch Razor but Razor grabs him and throws him into me*
Calib: His dark side is taking him over!
Tails: I told you not to let him use it!
Calib: Well im going to stop it!
Tails: No! We cant defeate him alone!
Razr: *Picks up calib and throws him into the river*
Tails: DANG IT! *starts flying and phones John*
John: *RING* *RING* Hum, Ya? Whos it?
John: Come'n *Telaports* Hi, Hea- wow!!!! ...Who the heck is that!?
Tails: That wold be Razor!
John: He used his dark sied...
Tails: Yes, Do you have any spell the will tern him back to normal!?
John: Ya, But I nedd Heao energy! I havent done this in a wile... ...Oh well hear goes nothing! RRRRAAAGGHH!! *Turns in to angale* OK, eat- -GOOD!!!
John: *ttsssq* *Heao energy shoots at Razor*
Razr: GGGGGAAAAGGGGHHHAA!! *Runs at John, and bashes him away in to a tree*
John: WWWAAAHHHGG!!! *Hits tree head frist and blood starts gushing out*
Tails: John!! You ok!?
John: Ya, I think so!.. *Starts raping head* Aaa, better. Sorta...
John: Eat more, Good!!!!! *ttsssq* *Heao energy shoots at Razor agun*
Razr: GGGGEEERRRRAAAGGGHHH!!!!!!! *Swipes at John, but John doges it*
John: Mised me that time!
Razor: GGGAAAARRRGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... *Turns back to normal*
John: AAAAAAA.... thats better.... *Ssssssuuuq* *Tunrs back to normal* Now what are we doing?
calib: *Climbs out of the river*
Razr: *Passes out*
Calib: I told him not to use his dark side......
John: *Tck* ...He didn't listen then I'm guessing?
Tails: Pretty much
Calib: *Turns back to normal*
Tails: Uh..guys you know the forgotten are catching up to us?
Calib: Yea, I figured that. But we are out of energy so we will have to run for a bit,find a safe place, and get some energy back.
John: Ok... I can't regenrate that by magic now, not anuf mana, or energy. Oh, what are we doing about Razr?
Calib: I've got him *Picks up Razr* Lets get outta here!
Tails: Everyone in the Tornado!
Calib: But theres only two seats! Ok you and John go on without me I'll catch up eventually!
Tails: No, the forgotten will kill you!
Calib: Its a chance I have to take! Now go! They are catching up!
Tails:*starts up tornado*
???: I'll..."mess" if you want me to.... *A punch slams into Calib's face he goes flying into the back of the Tornado*
Calib: *Cough* guys go I've got this one!
Tails: Ok *Starts flying away in the tornado*
Calib: thats enough fooling around now who exactly are you?
???: Shouldnt you already know? *lands infront of Calib*
Salib: SHADOW?!?!?
Shadow: Yea... ...howed you know? *Punches Calib in the face and he goes flying into Razr*
Calib: *rushes at shadow*
Shadow: *Side steps away and punches Calib down to the ground*
Shadow: *Hmph* Thought you would be more challenging then this... *Pulls out a silenced pistol*
John: *lands right beside Calib*
John: Leave him alone, Shadow!
Shadow: Why shold I?
John: *Takes out 2 SMGs* Cus I sead so.
Shadow: Well, now. Geting ficity, humm.
John: I don't even know what that means.
Shadow: Never mind that then. I chalnge you yo a dule.
John: *Takes out a slinted dersert egile, and toses to Shaodw* Barow it.
Shadow: *Hmph* Ok then.
*John, and Shadow walk to each other then turn around then take 15 steps away from each other then turn around*
John: On ten, Calib count.
Calib: 10... ...9... ...8... ...7... ...6... ...5... ...4... ...3... ...2... ...1... ...0!!
*Shadow Quickley shoots at John with the guns, John Goes it to "The macrtis" to doge the bulits, then shoots at shadow*
Shadow: Dam!... ...Eat this!!!
*John diden't see coming, and dident move fast anuf, so he got hit two times. One time in the mittle part of the upper part of his right arm, and one in the lower right part of his chest*
John: Shit!! *Jumps up and slams arms down and puts head up high* Hea-
Shadow: *Shoots gun agune* Eat this!!!
John: Aw, crap! Ok, Fight me! *puts guns away*
Shadow: Ok, then. *Puts away his gun, then throws John his back*
John: Take this!!! *Dashes at Shadow then punches him in the face, then Shadow flys back*
*Big fight starts between John & Shadow*
Shadow: Chaos SPEAR!
John: *Gaagh* Shisal! Take this! Battle blast!!! *Puts hands out to getor, the a sylnder of red, with white dots shoots out of his hands, then it hits Shadow then PCCCCCTTTCCC (ca-boom)*
John: *Puts hands up to face as if thier boniualrs* Whare'd he go?
Calib: Ha, ha, ha...
John: So what now?
Calib: *reaches into his back pack and pulls out a sniper rifle and a silenced rifle*
Calib: now,we go hunting *passes john the rifle*
John: Ok, any ideas on where he might have went?
Calib: He probably went to the temple of the forgotten shadows.
Tails: Well thats a bit obvious *pulls out a silenced M-4 carbine*
John: Lets get a move on then guys!
Tails: I was searchign around and i found a small scrap of paper with a map on it.
Cosmo: I had to come I was worrieng to much.
John: *Wow, and Ashaly didn't...* :(
Calib: What?
John: Oh, nothing. I was just mumbleing to my self again...
Calib: Complaning that Ashaly didn't come?
John: Mabey....
Calib: Hm....ok. John?
John: Ya?
Calib: Co you still have that desert eagle?
John: Yes.
Calib: K, give that to Cosmo.
John: *passes desert eagle to cosmo*
Cosmo: Um..its a bit heavy...
Tails: Well thats the lightest gun we have right now so you will have to use that one
John: Any thing elce might rip your arm off... ...And I don't like "real" gore much...
Cosmo: *Shuders in susprisement*
Calib: Ok lets go to the temple of shadows!
*Everyone starts walking*
???: Don't come any closer! I'm warning you...
Tails: WHO IS IT?
???: *steps out*
Calib: SILVER?
Silver: Don't go any closer. I already lost blaze in there... I cant lose you guys too.
Tails: Thats terrible!
Calib: *Throws silver one of John's SMGs* Come with us and we will save blaze, I swear.
Silver: Ok...guys we gotta be more carfeull.
John: Ok, let me call some back up, I got a bad fealing that were going to need it...
T.F.C. Anegts: Agent 1, we are hear!
John: Ok men, I have a real bad feaing that this will be vary dangours, unfrotunchley, these bad fealings are never wrong. So be on your toes!
T.F.C. Agents: SER, YES, SER!!
John: Good, ok no-
Ashaly: John!!
John: Ashaly!?
Ashaly: Ya!
John: Sweet!
Calib: *Mumbles to Tails*
John: I can hear you...
John: All right then, MOVE OUT!!!!!!!
*All rushes in*
John: Let me in front, better me then you.
Ashaly: Let me up their!
John: Ok, but be carful.
Ashaly: All right!
John: *Starts acting like one of those guys from "counter strike"*
John: Stop, their is a guy down range.
Cosmo: Tranlateshon?
John: Strate ahead.
Cosmo: Aaa...
John: 3... ...2... ...1... *Sclinced gun shot*
Tails: Ohhhh, Head shot!
John: I like my pistol more but I've traned myself to put up with guns I don't like, or want to use.
Calib: *starts walking*
John: Stop.
Calib: Why?
John: *Picks up rock and thros it forward*
*Gun shot, then the rock exploes*
John: Thats why... *Takes out sniper rifle* *8 slinced sniper rifle shots* And now we move forward!
Forggoten: *Runs up to the grop* Take this!
John: *Tellaports behind it* Back at ya! *Slits its neck with battle knife, then picks up body and hides it* Ick...
Cosmo: Whyed you do that?
John: Your walking down a hall, then you see a dead teammate on the ground, whats you frist reactshon?
Cosmo: Oh...
John: Wate, don't move, pretend your life depends on it.
Tails: It doese, doesent it.
John: Nooooo.....
John: AAAGGH!!!!!!!!! DAM IT!!
*Gun shots*
John: TAKE A FACE OF ACTON!!!!!!!!! *Takes cover behind a large rock*
Ashaly: *Takes cover behind the rock that John is behind* They don't look frendley...
John: Ya, thi- -GET DOWN!!!
Ashaly: *Gets hit in sholder by bullit* OOWWW!!!!! *Falls to ground*
John: ASHALY!!!!! Are you ok!!
Ashaly: Ya, hhhhaaaa- I think...
John: Ok, I'm pissed now!
Tails: Ooooohhhh... ...S***!!!! There dead!!
John: *Puts down gun then charges at the forggoten like a steem roller* TAKE THIS!!!!!!
Tails: Oh, dam. He is pissed!
*John Lanches a furry of kicks and punches at nine, pickes up one and starts spinning it around, thros it then nocks a nother one then pickes it up then does the pile driver, then does the haymaker on two, then lanchers a furry of combs and spechal moves in a blur*
John: *pant* *pant* *pant*... That takes care of that...
Ashaly: J-j-jh-o-o-on-n-n...
John: Ashaly! Are you still ok!?
Ashaly: No, not realy...
John: Hear, let me see...
Ashaly: John, can't you use your healing spel?
John: I wish... ...oh, well. Let me see that, keep your arm still....
Ashaly: Ok, John...
John: *Takes tweers out of med-kit, then takes bullit out, then paches it up* Thier, thats the best I can do. Do you think you can still fight?
Ashaly: Alright, and ya. I think I ok, just a little handy caped proble.
John: Alright, but be carful.
Ashaly: Alright...
John: Hear... *Helps Ashaly up*
Ashaly: Thanks.
John: No prob!
Calib: Hmm....
John: What is it?
Calib: Wait one second *Pulls out out "hot head" rocket launcher*
Tails: WHOLEY MOLEY! nice gun!
Calib: Thanks...I guess....*Jumps out from behind the rock and fires a rocket and blows up the sniper tower*
John: What the hell!? We were desguised until you did that!
Calib: Yea, thats the plan.....
Tails: HES GONE CRAZY!! K-*Calib quickly puts hand over Tails' mouth*
Calib: No....I'm drawing away Shadow's gaurds so me, Tails and, Razr can go into the bulding and kill Shadow.
Ashley: HEY! we wanna come to!
Calib: No its to big a group. After you guys get these guys, come in the main entrance. John you will stay here with them, ok?
John: Shure!
Calib: OK! Everyoen follow me!
*Some time later........*
Calib: DUCK! *Ducks and fires a silenced M-4 carbine* Ouch I shot his personl area!
Tails: *Starts laughing*
Razr: Hm....*Shoots a sniper rifle and blows off some ones leg*
Tails: I feel like the marines! *=D*
Calib: Yea but were better! *=)* *Throws grenade*
Razr: Guys..we arent going to make it....
Calib: I'm trying a new spell I learned from John...
Calib: *Teleposrts everyone*
Calib: K we ar-......um...were is this?
Tails: We are in another demsiension.
Razr: Hm..we are in marios world.......
Tails: That fat italian is going down!
Calib: He,he,he,he,he... ...lets go!
Razr: What is it with you guys and sensless killing?
Calib and Tails: BECASUE ITS FUN! *=D*
Razr: K, whatever...
John: Guys we cant hold of much longer! i will teleport us all to tails!
Ashley: K!
John: What the....
*Multiple gunshots*
John: Its coming from over here!
John: Oh my god... *Sees Mario's head blow off and Tails and Calib dancing on the blocks*
Ashley: why'ed they kill him?
John: I dont know but im going to find out....*Starts walking*
Calib: *Starts breakdancing RAISE THE ROOF!! MAKE SOME NOISE!!
John: What the f*** are you doing!!!!
Tails: We killed Mario!!
John: Why the hell did you that!?
Tails: We felt like it.
John: *Some people...* Ok, lets go back, let me come this time. Next time you might end up in Link's dementhon!!
Calib: Fine...
John and Ashaly: Were better then the millatary, cops, F.B.I, spechal ops, millatry cops, and the other deffince/attick grops put to getor!!
Tails: Ok, what ever you lov-
John: Don't...
Tails: * :P *
John: *Gerr...*
Calib: Don't beat each other up, your late in you interupshon anyway John...
John: *Blush* What ever, lets go back now! *Heals mairo, then telaports the others back to the temple*
Tails: Alright whats it were doing again?
Cailb: were geting Blase, and trying to kill Shadow.
John: Lets go guys! *Tellaports the group back in to the temple*
Ashaly: *Gaaaa, ouch...*
John: Your still ok?
Ashaly: Ya.
John: Its ok if your not I c-
Ashaly: I'm alright!
John: Ok, I'm just a little wored...
Ashaly: *Blush* Ohhh, thanks. But don't be, I'm Ok...
John: Alright, just be carful!
Ashaly: *Ugh*
John: *=\*
Tails: Pay atechon!
John: I have materic-
*Gun shot*
John: NO! *Dives in front of Ashaly the bulit hits John in the upper chest*
Ashaly: NO, JOH-H-HNNNN!! *Starts crying*
John: *Aaaaggghh* Ashaly, help. *Coff* *Coff*
Ashaly: JOHN!!!! *Hughs John*
John: Good by, I'll be back. *Dies*
Ashaly: John? JOHN! JOHNNNN!!!!! No-o-o-o-o-ooooooo!!!!!!!
Tails: John is dead? No, thats inposable! He surived a head shot once!!!!
Calib: And he says he dosen't die...
Ashaly: *Stands up vary pissed off* YOU BICH!!!! *Charges* DIE!!!!!!!!!
Tails: Oh, man. She's agruseof, I see why John liked her.
Ashaly: EAT THIS!!!! *Shoots all of the Forggoten in range*
*Awile later*
John: *Falls from scealing in front of Ashaly* Hi!
Ashaly: JOHN! *Hughs John*
Ashaly: *Gives John a kiss on the cheke*
John: *Blushing* Haa, hmm... *Smiles*
John: I missed you too... *=)*
Ashaly: Ha, you funny.
John: Well thank you!
Ashaly: I was kidding.
John: I know, that was the point!
Ashaly: *Tck* Ok, lets go!
John: Ya! *Drals desert egeale from pocket* Locked, loded, and armed!
Ashaly: Lets go!
Calib: Hmm.....
John: What is it?
Calib: *Pulls out time bomb* everyone stand back....
Tails: What is it with you and explosive?...
Calib: Theres our entrance! *>:3*
Ashley: Isnt that a bit obvious?
Calib: Oh well *Puts on mp3 player*
Tails: OH! Let me listen to!
Calib and Tails: *Start singing "Thanks for the memories" from Falout boys*
John: GUYS! We dont have time to mess around like that lets go.
Tails: Ok...
*Everyone starts walking and they get to shadows chamber.....*
Calib: *pulls out barreti 50.cal* Eh, eh, eh......
*CRACK! the bullet breaks the wall 2 inches from shadows head...*
Razr: Well its time!

Posted by talls - November 27th, 2008

Hear you go this is her (LOL), check out me on the last one!


Posted by talls - November 27th, 2008

This is my Sonic guy!
(Read my storys!)
Check out the next one!


Posted by talls - November 21st, 2008

(Contuing form last time)

(If someone's name is like this "Billybob*" That means His/Her name was changed)

[Me, & Tails were out, Ashaly, and Cosmo were takeing us the infermarey, to be heald...]

Ashaly: Do you think they will be ok?
Cosmo: I hope...
Ashaly: Me too...
*They talk amuncnts themselfs for around 2 howers, then we slowley wake up*
Me: Aaaaaagh, whare am I?
Tails: Ohhhhh, My head....
Ashaly: John, I was get'n woreid!!!! *Hughs John*
Cosmo: Tails!!!!!! *Cosmo hughs Tails*
Me: Aaagh, Dont squize me...
Ashaly: Oh, Sory.
Tails: Ya, dont squize....
Cosmo: Ha, ya, sory.
*BAM* *That had been a siniper's scare bulit*
Me: *Jumps up reddy to defend everyone* Ha, I may be week but I wont let anyone die!!!
*A form that looked a bit like Shadow... ...but it wasent and it wasent shroud ether...*
Me: YOU!! Why are you hear!?
Marie: I told you I'd get you back, So to do so I'll kill your girlfrend.
Me: *Blushing* Aaaaammm... ...You'll haft to kill me to get to her, Mali.
Marlie: You still call me that?..
Me: You don't want me calling you by the nickname I gave you?
Marlie: I didnet say that, I still like it thow.
Me: Well...
Marlie: I still have a quston for you.
Me: And whats whats that?
Marlie: Why did you leave me?
Me: I saw you trying to kill Tails!
Marile: Oh, ya...
Me: I still hate you..
Marile: :(
Me: Take this!! *Flys at Marile with strong punch, and hits her in the face*
Marile: AAAAAgggghhhhh! Oh, you did not!
Me: Oh, yes I did!
Tails: Who the hell is that!?
Me: An old frend! But not a frend anymore!
Marile: TAKE SINIPER RIFLE! *Shoots gun*
Me: *Enters "The matrix", but the bulit bareley misses me, and skims my skin* Aaaaa, Shit!
Marile: You can still do that even thow your that week!?
Me: Yes, as long as I'm conthis I can!
Marile: Well, lets knock you out! *Pegs Sniper clip at John*
Me: *Gets hit in the head with clip* Aaaagh.... *Falls over and passes out*
Tails & Ashaly: JOHN!!!
Marile: DIE!!! *Shoots gun at John's head (And it hits)* *Blood splats all over*
Tails & Ashaly: JOHN!!!!
Ashaly: *Brackes out in tears*
Marile: Well, Thats better.
Ashaly: Jo-o-ohn-n-nnnnnn!!! *Crying over my body*
Tails: Heal, Reive!
Me: *Wakes up* Aaaa... ...Tails, thanks!
Tails: Thats going to be the last time I do that in a wile.
Me: Ya, Ok Marlie. You've asked for it. *Quicklie drals Desert Egile from, "shach" and shoots Marlie*
Marlie: *gets hit in the lower chest with bulit* Aaaaaagghhhhh!!!! I'll be back later!!!! *Runs away*
Ashaly: Few, I thoght you were dead for good, *says with laffing tone* well for bad.
Me: Dam, My head hearts like hell, I'm lieing back down.
Tails: Me too.
*Later (Awile later)*


Tails: Aaaaammmaa, That was a nice dream... *...Hmmm what time is it?... ...8:43PM well... we've been asleep for awile...* *I'll go see whats up with everyone elce...* *Gets up and goes in to the Liveing room*

(2 howers later)
Me: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... ...Aaaaaammmmaagghhhhtttfpppffffaaasss aaaggttaaa... ...guh, What time is it??... ...10:48PM!!!!! I've been sleeping all day!!!!!!!! *Gets up and goes in to the living room*

Me: What'd I miss?
Sonic: Not much...
Ashaly: You ok now John?
Me: Ya, I feal much better. Oh, ya did the arcaed get cleened up yet?
Sonic: No.
Me: Its proble dry by now, I don't mess with dry blood.
Sonic: Why.
Me: It smells, SO bad!!!!
Sonic: Oh..
Me: So... ... You guys want to play "Call of duty 4", or "Halo 3"?
Every one but me: "Call of duty 4"!!!!!!
Me: I Feal like palying "Halo 3" frist but oh, well! 4 In hear, 4 in my room, and the rest of you go in
Sonic's room.
Everyone: OK!
Me: Ok, let me see if the guys want to play... ...Lets see... ...ffrules, and tell him to invite his
some of his frends...

ffrules: Hi, guys.
Everyone: Hi, Alix*!
Guste 1: Hi, guys.
Me: Whos it? Nick*, Joe*?
Guste 1: Nick*.
Me: Is Joe* their?
Guste 2: Ya, right hear.
Me: Ok, lets start. And everyone get reddy to be pwnd!
Everyone: Lets see!
Game: *Gun sounds, Gernaeds going off, Shells hiting the ground, and Reload sounds*
*The game is being played for a few howers*
Ffrules: Ok guys its 3:34 in the moring, night.
Me: Ha, its Ghost hower, Ok Alix* night.
*Later at 5:28AM*
Me: Ok, its 5:28 in the moring, lets go to bead..
Everyone elce: Ya, ok.
*Everyone leaves my room but Ashaly*
Me: So... ...what do you want to do?..
Ashaly: *Gets close to John* *Acting cute* Humm... *Smiles*
Me: *Gets clocer* Well... *We hug then kiss*

[Narrator (AKA Me) : Yaaaaaa, I don't feal like typeing this part....]

*That moring*
Tails: Yo, John you u- ......... *Wied eyed* ...*Lafing tone* Jo-o-on...
*I was half off my bead, and Ashaly was on the bottom part of my bead*

The End...

Posted by talls - November 19th, 2008

This one is done, Injoy. This is not susposted to make Shadow look stupid hes just normaly the bad one... ...Oh, ya My guy is "John" My frend's Shroud, and thier will be unfreeunt edits.

(Yet, this is still my amaganshon peeps.)

[This is the story of how me, and Tails showed are real power, hiden with cindnes. But even people
with harts of gold, have dark sieds, and olny some can contal that power, but theos who cant, cant use
that power willingley, like we did... ...And that, is the moral of this story...]

[we whre all playing games in the bacement and tolking to eachother when Shadow deisied to come down, but as are party crasher... ...With 3 targets]

Shadow: Ashaly, Cosmo, I have bad news, your reeper is hear... ...John your death date is soon,
but when I kill Ashaly, it might be sooner, or today if you die trying to protect Ashaly, Tails you'll
proble just fly out of hear trying to protect Cosmo.
Me & Tails: Well, You will haft kill us to get to them!
Shadow: Later, I don't want to waste energy on worthles weekleings like you.
Me: your stragie is week.
Shadow: Well, I'll show you its not by killing you. *Dashes at John Reddying a punch*
Me: *Gets hit in the face by shadow's punch and flys back in to a wall* Aaagh... Well, I'll be reddy
for a strike next time..

Shadow: *Spins around Says "Take this!" smaches a punch in Ashaly's face coseing her to fly in to Cosmo then the wall*
Me \ Tails: ASHALY!! \ COSMO!!
Me: Don't bite the hand that feeds you Shadow.
Shadow: What?
Me: It meens don't mess up! *I Dash at Shadow reddy to punch him, but Shadow doges it, then counter strikes me hard in the face, then the chest makeing me fly back in to the wall.*
Me: *Gasping for air* Ha, ha, ha, ha... ...I wont give up, Tails Help.. *We both dash at Shaodw
reddy to attick, but Shadow strikes us both Badley broseing us both, nokeing us both in to a wall*

[Everyone thogh we had been noked out or worse, killed, Ashaly, & Cosmo ran over to us, and everyone else gasped...]

Shadow: Hum. Its a waste of energy of killing who arnte taregts... *Then Shadow Dashes at Ashaly &
Cosmo reddy to strike, but Me, & Tails jump up and punch Shadow in to a wall*
Me: Killing? That was a smiple "Fake out" move, I figure it wasent going to work, but we tryed anyway.

[We brused a bit, and bleeding but we didnet care, but that E-Z to over come snece we started
useing are dark side's power...]

Me & Tails: Were geting a bit, "devence" , you how we get whene were like that...
Shadow: Not this time.
Me: I'll kill you if have to, your chaos moves are no mach for my magic, and you know that.
Shadow: Well, I might achaly need to kill you both to get to them.
Sonic: You two arnt strong anugh to take shaodw at full force!
Me & Tails: JUST WACH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Ficre fighting starts between Me, Tails, & Shadow all flying back a min. after it started Tails flys
back hiting the corner of the arcaed game "The grid" and starts bleeding badley with his blood all over the game's corner, and Tails' head, I fly head first in to the stares, Bleeding at the head badley,
Shadow flys and smaches his back in to a wall.*

Me: *Gets up slowley and says* We will fight to the death, WE WILL NOT STOP!!!!
Tails: *Trys to get up but falls on to his back* No, we won't stop, we love them and will protect them,
AT ALL COSTS!!!! *Cofs, the spit up a little blood*

Me: *With an evil look, says* Tails, use you "dark energy", it will strangethen you. Its hard to use but at
this point it'el be E-Z. It feels good too...

Tails: *Does the ninija move to jump up* Aaaaa, yes thats better, and yes. *With a dark and evil look*
It does feel good.......

Me: KILL HIM!!! *we both dash at Shadow useing lighting fast combos*
Me: *Tontingley whats the matter Shadow? I thoght we were "worthles weekleings"....
Shadow: You are. *gets up, super dashes at us and nokes us to the ground, un able to get up*
Shadow: Now, back to bissines, time for you to meet there ghosts'!!!!!
Me & Tails: M-m-must n-not st-top... *We grab Shadow's legs and trips him, we get up I get behind him...*

Shadow: *gets up fast* DIE!
Me: *Raps arm tightley around Shadow's neak* TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!
Shadow: *Gasps for air trying to relese my grip some at all* Hght!
Me: I'll relece my grip, but...
Shadow: Thank you...
Me: *Rips out battle knife* your not welcome!!! *Selts Shadow's neak with kinfe*
Me: Basterd, mess with the best, and you get the worst.... ...Nice work bro., its time to let the dark energy back...
Shrorud: *pops up out of noware with an H.M.G.* Bich!!! *Starts shooting at me & Tails*
Me: Sece!!!!!!!!! *Puts up hand then Shroud flys back*
Ashaly & Cosmo: *walk over* Wow, thats your dark side?
Me & Tails: Yes...
Sonic: Wow, of all the time I knew you two I've never seen you two like that....
Me: As I sead: "Mess with the best, and you get the worst...."
Me & Tails: You might never see us like this agune, so get a good look...
Me: Its time Tails.
Me: 3... ...2... ...1...
*We both fall, but ashaly coght me, and Cosmo coght Tails*
Sonic: You two know they did that just to protect you two, becuse they love you...
Ashaly: *Gives the unconches me a kiss* *Your awsome John...*
Cosmo: *Gives the unsconches Tails a kiss too...* *Just for me Tails?...*

The End

Posted by talls - November 18th, 2008

Well I wanted to get this on davenart, but I can't log in. This is a work in progres thow. Tell me what you think.

(This was done by my Imashon I don't know anyone named "Ashaly" and I never did Its just some person and name I came up with, and some (most probley) of the things the actale chators say, and do Proble wont say or do, and yes this might be cind of long)

Intervewer: Hello, welcome to the live intervew show!
Aduntes: *Cheres*
Intervewer: So we will be intervewing Tails today.
Tails: Hello everyone!
Intervewer: Guse what Tails.
Tails: Ummm, what?
Intervewer: Hay, John get out hear!
Aduntes: *Cheres*
Tails: *Confued*
Me: Hi everyone!
Tails: Don't...
Me: he,he,he,he...
Intervewer: Ha, I figured this was going to be funy...
Tails: ...
Intervewer: So I figure you guys know the drill?
Tails & me: Ya.
Intervewer: So I'll ask you both one thing, are Ither of you being foght over?
Tails: *Peers in to the croud*
Me: *looks at tails and says* ha,ha,ha...
Tails: *wied eyed* YOU...
Me: *trys to keep a grin* Ha,ha,ha,ha...
Tails: no...
Me: At the risk of being punched up sied the head I'm going to say, that Tails is dennfet ley lying...
*Punch sound*
Me: OW!!!!!! What the heck!!!!
Tails: *Geerr*
Me: he,he,he... ...and no.
Intervewer: Ok next qust-
Creem and Cosmo: TAILS!!!!!!!!!!
Tails: OH CRAP...
Me: *Smiles*
Tails: Why you little... ...your, not going to help me this time, are you?
Me: Well if they get the rope out agun, yes. Oh look they do have the rope...
Tails: help, me...
Creem: STAY OUT OF THIS JOHN!!!! *Fires hand gun at John*
Me: *Doges bullits then reflects one as a tellaport ball*
Creem: NOOOOOOO......... *disapeers*
Me: *sanps then the rope disapears* I'll leave you ther...
Tails: *Backs 3 speeps*
Intervewer: What, dident cosmo die?
Me: It toke me 9 crillean trys, 7 crillean, pleeds from tails, and 8 diffent spells to work...
Intervewer: Ummmm, k?
Me: This will be hulares...
Cosmo: *Dives on Tails and the two roll behind the curten* Raaagggh!
Tails: AAAAGH!!!
Me: DON'T OPEN THE CURTEN!!! You'll haft to change to rating fast.
Cosmo: Come back!
Tails: I don't want to do that hear!!!
Intervewer and Aduntes: *Gasp!!*
Me: Told you...
Intervewer and Aduntes: *Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Me: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVENT HEARD THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intervewer: You spy on him?
Me: Olny when they fight... ...anyway his room's right next to mine.
Tails: *runs out coverd in kisses and the lower part of his pants are torn* Help me John!
Me: *Puts hand to head, and stressis it, then box forms around Cosmo*
Tails: fuaa...
Me: Hum.
Tails: well I saw you giveing them those stage member passes, so I gave your "Frend" one.
Tails: ASHALY!
Me: *Quickley spinds around* Huh...
Tails: ASHALY?!
Tails: ASHALY?
Me: *Gets up and looks in to the croud*
Me: Ashaly?
Me: *Says out loow with out reaiseing it* Hm, she diden't come, oh...
Me: *Turns around and walks back to seat with head, and tails down*
Aduntes: *Oohhh... sadley*
Ashaly: JOHN!!
Me: *Quickley turns around*
Ashaly: *Runs up to John cloceley* Hi..
Me: *small blush* Umm, hi...
Intervewer: Ummm... ok, lets go on...
Me & Ashaly: *Walks to seats cloce togetor*
Intervewer: Ok, aaaaa... *mumbles* ...ta convent...
Intervewer: Ok, second quston is for everyone, Who to you like?
Cosmo: I like Tails ofisaly, and JOHN!!! LET ME OUT!!!!!!
Me: Fine. *Puts hand to head, and stressis it, then the box disapears*
Me: Their, and you don't need to yell I'm not deff.
A few croud members: Ha, ha, ha...
Tails: *Blushing* W-Well I, l-like C-Cosmo.
Me: *Blushing a little* Well I... ...like Ashaley.
Ashaley: Well, I like you too.
Me: *Blushing alot and smiles*
Me & Ashaley: ha...
Intervewer: Ok, I just maed up this one just now, Do any of you have any "dirt" on each other?
Me: Oooooo, ya I pull pranks and jokes on everyone...
Intervewer: Well tell us the best one.
Me: well I got in to Tails' web-cam from my computer, so he was asle-
Tails: THAT WAS YOU!!!!!!!
Me: Ha, ha, ha, ha... ...yes-s-s-s.... *smiles*
Tails: You woent dare...
Me: I wold dare.... *smiles*
Tails: Well if you do I got a magor you'd hate me for the rest of your life...
Me & Ashaly: YOU WOLDNT!!!!!!
Tails: I wold, but if you don't say that one I won't.
Me: Fine...
Me: Other then that one the best was when I put the bomb bag under Knuckles' pillow, oh, crap...
Me: ...He going to hert me now... ...Oh, well...
Tails: I put a freekey Tails doll picture that moved around for a few seconds then It eats the screen on John's computer backround, it scared him so much he jumped back on his seat then fliped over it!
Me: *GGaaaaa*
Tails: Ha, ha, ha...
Cosmo: Well Knuckles upset me a one of the partys we have, so I sead fast "Fat ass says what?"
Cosmo: Then as ushaly he saed "What?"
Ashaly: Well I riged the front door at the bigening of one of the partys with a shoe, It hit Ill-
Me: Ha, hum...
Ashaly: Oh, ya. Right, well it fell on "Shadow" but not the shadow your proble thinking of.
Intervewer: O, k... ...Right... So next quston...
Intervewer: Aaaaaaammm, ok, the quston I Organly was going to say was why do you like who you like?
Cosmo: Well I like Tails cuse hes smart, (*Tails sarts to blush*) nice, shy, cute, and I know he likes me.
Tails: *Blushing more* W-well I like cosmo becuse... ...I like her, alot...
Cosmo: *Blushing some and smileing* Oh, Tails...
Intervewer: Well, then... ...Ok, John?
Me: *Blushing alot* W-well I like Ashaly c-cuse... ...I feal good when she is a round me.........
Ashaly: *Blushing* W-well, I like being around you too......
Intervewer: Ok next, About how many secorts do you have?
Cosmo: A few.
Tails: Ammmmmm... Aaaaam, A cuple...
Me: Alot, my own, and others secorts...
Ashaly: A few.
Intervewer: Ok, next quston. Have you looked up pictures of yourself, and if so what did you think?
Cosmo: No.
Tails: Ya, a few times, And no I diden't like what I saw most of the time.
Me: Ya, and... ...sortof.
Ashaly: Two times, and ya.
Me: Oh god...
Knuckles: *Jumps at Jon but lands on ashaly*
Me: YOU IDOT! *John pulls Knuckles off ashaly and starts fighting him*
(*Knuckles and John fighting...* *...John then kicks him out of the bidling.*
Intervewer: You needed to do that?
Me: Yes, Yes I did.
Intervewer: Ok then.
Me: *Sits down*
Intervewer: Alright, now. Next quston, have any of you been on mishons with John?
Cosmo: Once.
Tails: I'm in his team.
Ashaly: I'm in his team too.

Posted by talls - July 26th, 2008

yay, I rememberd my password!!

Posted by talls - March 19th, 2008

I can olny use this account at my gramom's house cuse Newgrounds dosent excapt my password so I will make a new E-mail (I'll try to at least!!),and new Newgrounds account and my new user name will Talls2,so if you pm me you most likel not get a ancer,or a coment respond.
Oh,one thing (I don't have flash but I'll get a free trail of it) I want to learn how to make a ragdoll game!
If you know how to plese tell me!!!!
(If [or] wene I make one I'll give you credit!!)
(: I'll make the E-mail later to day as well as the ng account. :)
Oh and I'll shift all my favorites, My Icon, And my contacs (and tell them in case they don't know)
So this will prodle be the last News post, and I put on this account. :(
So Good-By...
(Yes, I just had to make this long)
(Edit1)(Sunday apirl, 19 2008) The E-mail donsen't work... =( (DAM!)

Posted by talls - December 30th, 2007

ok, I got a crap lod of sprirtes now all I need to do is find out how to work em!! so tell me how to work em dam it!!! for a ex. :
(oh ya,save it as a PNG image if you use it!)

Help me!

Posted by talls - December 29th, 2007

Attshon all tails fans! I know all you people are ticked abut sonic's halloen costume ,but vote " 0 " on the moive. k? Join my clan at the monit I have 5 members,(I'm counting me!) so join! thare is no limnt to members. so tell me if you want to join! (tell me in your comint pleese,but if you change your mind pm me.)