I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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Story: "John & Tails' dark side"

Posted by talls - November 19th, 2008

This one is done, Injoy. This is not susposted to make Shadow look stupid hes just normaly the bad one... ...Oh, ya My guy is "John" My frend's Shroud, and thier will be unfreeunt edits.

(Yet, this is still my amaganshon peeps.)

[This is the story of how me, and Tails showed are real power, hiden with cindnes. But even people
with harts of gold, have dark sieds, and olny some can contal that power, but theos who cant, cant use
that power willingley, like we did... ...And that, is the moral of this story...]

[we whre all playing games in the bacement and tolking to eachother when Shadow deisied to come down, but as are party crasher... ...With 3 targets]

Shadow: Ashaly, Cosmo, I have bad news, your reeper is hear... ...John your death date is soon,
but when I kill Ashaly, it might be sooner, or today if you die trying to protect Ashaly, Tails you'll
proble just fly out of hear trying to protect Cosmo.
Me & Tails: Well, You will haft kill us to get to them!
Shadow: Later, I don't want to waste energy on worthles weekleings like you.
Me: your stragie is week.
Shadow: Well, I'll show you its not by killing you. *Dashes at John Reddying a punch*
Me: *Gets hit in the face by shadow's punch and flys back in to a wall* Aaagh... Well, I'll be reddy
for a strike next time..

Shadow: *Spins around Says "Take this!" smaches a punch in Ashaly's face coseing her to fly in to Cosmo then the wall*
Me \ Tails: ASHALY!! \ COSMO!!
Me: Don't bite the hand that feeds you Shadow.
Shadow: What?
Me: It meens don't mess up! *I Dash at Shadow reddy to punch him, but Shadow doges it, then counter strikes me hard in the face, then the chest makeing me fly back in to the wall.*
Me: *Gasping for air* Ha, ha, ha, ha... ...I wont give up, Tails Help.. *We both dash at Shaodw
reddy to attick, but Shadow strikes us both Badley broseing us both, nokeing us both in to a wall*

[Everyone thogh we had been noked out or worse, killed, Ashaly, & Cosmo ran over to us, and everyone else gasped...]

Shadow: Hum. Its a waste of energy of killing who arnte taregts... *Then Shadow Dashes at Ashaly &
Cosmo reddy to strike, but Me, & Tails jump up and punch Shadow in to a wall*
Me: Killing? That was a smiple "Fake out" move, I figure it wasent going to work, but we tryed anyway.

[We brused a bit, and bleeding but we didnet care, but that E-Z to over come snece we started
useing are dark side's power...]

Me & Tails: Were geting a bit, "devence" , you how we get whene were like that...
Shadow: Not this time.
Me: I'll kill you if have to, your chaos moves are no mach for my magic, and you know that.
Shadow: Well, I might achaly need to kill you both to get to them.
Sonic: You two arnt strong anugh to take shaodw at full force!
Me & Tails: JUST WACH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Ficre fighting starts between Me, Tails, & Shadow all flying back a min. after it started Tails flys
back hiting the corner of the arcaed game "The grid" and starts bleeding badley with his blood all over the game's corner, and Tails' head, I fly head first in to the stares, Bleeding at the head badley,
Shadow flys and smaches his back in to a wall.*

Me: *Gets up slowley and says* We will fight to the death, WE WILL NOT STOP!!!!
Tails: *Trys to get up but falls on to his back* No, we won't stop, we love them and will protect them,
AT ALL COSTS!!!! *Cofs, the spit up a little blood*

Me: *With an evil look, says* Tails, use you "dark energy", it will strangethen you. Its hard to use but at
this point it'el be E-Z. It feels good too...

Tails: *Does the ninija move to jump up* Aaaaa, yes thats better, and yes. *With a dark and evil look*
It does feel good.......

Me: KILL HIM!!! *we both dash at Shadow useing lighting fast combos*
Me: *Tontingley whats the matter Shadow? I thoght we were "worthles weekleings"....
Shadow: You are. *gets up, super dashes at us and nokes us to the ground, un able to get up*
Shadow: Now, back to bissines, time for you to meet there ghosts'!!!!!
Me & Tails: M-m-must n-not st-top... *We grab Shadow's legs and trips him, we get up I get behind him...*

Shadow: *gets up fast* DIE!
Me: *Raps arm tightley around Shadow's neak* TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!
Shadow: *Gasps for air trying to relese my grip some at all* Hght!
Me: I'll relece my grip, but...
Shadow: Thank you...
Me: *Rips out battle knife* your not welcome!!! *Selts Shadow's neak with kinfe*
Me: Basterd, mess with the best, and you get the worst.... ...Nice work bro., its time to let the dark energy back...
Shrorud: *pops up out of noware with an H.M.G.* Bich!!! *Starts shooting at me & Tails*
Me: Sece!!!!!!!!! *Puts up hand then Shroud flys back*
Ashaly & Cosmo: *walk over* Wow, thats your dark side?
Me & Tails: Yes...
Sonic: Wow, of all the time I knew you two I've never seen you two like that....
Me: As I sead: "Mess with the best, and you get the worst...."
Me & Tails: You might never see us like this agune, so get a good look...
Me: Its time Tails.
Me: 3... ...2... ...1...
*We both fall, but ashaly coght me, and Cosmo coght Tails*
Sonic: You two know they did that just to protect you two, becuse they love you...
Ashaly: *Gives the unconches me a kiss* *Your awsome John...*
Cosmo: *Gives the unsconches Tails a kiss too...* *Just for me Tails?...*

The End


not bad.


pretty good figting story!

Everythisng is good exct the name, right?

yea the title is a bit long for an adventure stroy try maybe adding some parts of the title together to make it shorter...like...maybe the drak side of john and tails?

Ya, I know the name sucks. (But I just changed it ;)

no it didnt suck it was a good title just a lil to long

Same thing (Almost)