I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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John and Tails' dark side2

Posted by talls - November 21st, 2008

(Contuing form last time)

(If someone's name is like this "Billybob*" That means His/Her name was changed)

[Me, & Tails were out, Ashaly, and Cosmo were takeing us the infermarey, to be heald...]

Ashaly: Do you think they will be ok?
Cosmo: I hope...
Ashaly: Me too...
*They talk amuncnts themselfs for around 2 howers, then we slowley wake up*
Me: Aaaaaagh, whare am I?
Tails: Ohhhhh, My head....
Ashaly: John, I was get'n woreid!!!! *Hughs John*
Cosmo: Tails!!!!!! *Cosmo hughs Tails*
Me: Aaagh, Dont squize me...
Ashaly: Oh, Sory.
Tails: Ya, dont squize....
Cosmo: Ha, ya, sory.
*BAM* *That had been a siniper's scare bulit*
Me: *Jumps up reddy to defend everyone* Ha, I may be week but I wont let anyone die!!!
*A form that looked a bit like Shadow... ...but it wasent and it wasent shroud ether...*
Me: YOU!! Why are you hear!?
Marie: I told you I'd get you back, So to do so I'll kill your girlfrend.
Me: *Blushing* Aaaaammm... ...You'll haft to kill me to get to her, Mali.
Marlie: You still call me that?..
Me: You don't want me calling you by the nickname I gave you?
Marlie: I didnet say that, I still like it thow.
Me: Well...
Marlie: I still have a quston for you.
Me: And whats whats that?
Marlie: Why did you leave me?
Me: I saw you trying to kill Tails!
Marile: Oh, ya...
Me: I still hate you..
Marile: :(
Me: Take this!! *Flys at Marile with strong punch, and hits her in the face*
Marile: AAAAAgggghhhhh! Oh, you did not!
Me: Oh, yes I did!
Tails: Who the hell is that!?
Me: An old frend! But not a frend anymore!
Marile: TAKE SINIPER RIFLE! *Shoots gun*
Me: *Enters "The matrix", but the bulit bareley misses me, and skims my skin* Aaaaa, Shit!
Marile: You can still do that even thow your that week!?
Me: Yes, as long as I'm conthis I can!
Marile: Well, lets knock you out! *Pegs Sniper clip at John*
Me: *Gets hit in the head with clip* Aaaagh.... *Falls over and passes out*
Tails & Ashaly: JOHN!!!
Marile: DIE!!! *Shoots gun at John's head (And it hits)* *Blood splats all over*
Tails & Ashaly: JOHN!!!!
Ashaly: *Brackes out in tears*
Marile: Well, Thats better.
Ashaly: Jo-o-ohn-n-nnnnnn!!! *Crying over my body*
Tails: Heal, Reive!
Me: *Wakes up* Aaaa... ...Tails, thanks!
Tails: Thats going to be the last time I do that in a wile.
Me: Ya, Ok Marlie. You've asked for it. *Quicklie drals Desert Egile from, "shach" and shoots Marlie*
Marlie: *gets hit in the lower chest with bulit* Aaaaaagghhhhh!!!! I'll be back later!!!! *Runs away*
Ashaly: Few, I thoght you were dead for good, *says with laffing tone* well for bad.
Me: Dam, My head hearts like hell, I'm lieing back down.
Tails: Me too.
*Later (Awile later)*


Tails: Aaaaammmaa, That was a nice dream... *...Hmmm what time is it?... ...8:43PM well... we've been asleep for awile...* *I'll go see whats up with everyone elce...* *Gets up and goes in to the Liveing room*

(2 howers later)
Me: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... ...Aaaaaammmmaagghhhhtttfpppffffaaasss aaaggttaaa... ...guh, What time is it??... ...10:48PM!!!!! I've been sleeping all day!!!!!!!! *Gets up and goes in to the living room*

Me: What'd I miss?
Sonic: Not much...
Ashaly: You ok now John?
Me: Ya, I feal much better. Oh, ya did the arcaed get cleened up yet?
Sonic: No.
Me: Its proble dry by now, I don't mess with dry blood.
Sonic: Why.
Me: It smells, SO bad!!!!
Sonic: Oh..
Me: So... ... You guys want to play "Call of duty 4", or "Halo 3"?
Every one but me: "Call of duty 4"!!!!!!
Me: I Feal like palying "Halo 3" frist but oh, well! 4 In hear, 4 in my room, and the rest of you go in
Sonic's room.
Everyone: OK!
Me: Ok, let me see if the guys want to play... ...Lets see... ...ffrules, and tell him to invite his
some of his frends...

ffrules: Hi, guys.
Everyone: Hi, Alix*!
Guste 1: Hi, guys.
Me: Whos it? Nick*, Joe*?
Guste 1: Nick*.
Me: Is Joe* their?
Guste 2: Ya, right hear.
Me: Ok, lets start. And everyone get reddy to be pwnd!
Everyone: Lets see!
Game: *Gun sounds, Gernaeds going off, Shells hiting the ground, and Reload sounds*
*The game is being played for a few howers*
Ffrules: Ok guys its 3:34 in the moring, night.
Me: Ha, its Ghost hower, Ok Alix* night.
*Later at 5:28AM*
Me: Ok, its 5:28 in the moring, lets go to bead..
Everyone elce: Ya, ok.
*Everyone leaves my room but Ashaly*
Me: So... ...what do you want to do?..
Ashaly: *Gets close to John* *Acting cute* Humm... *Smiles*
Me: *Gets clocer* Well... *We hug then kiss*

[Narrator (AKA Me) : Yaaaaaa, I don't feal like typeing this part....]

*That moring*
Tails: Yo, John you u- ......... *Wied eyed* ...*Lafing tone* Jo-o-on...
*I was half off my bead, and Ashaly was on the bottom part of my bead*

The End...




pretty good! =D cant wait to do our coop story


dont blame you for not typng that part.i dont think i would have wanted to hear it....*shudders*

Well, proble... *Laughs*

...I got a good anamashon, don't I?

ignore wartooth >=D and hell go away! and im know as a 'tails fag' now by all the people who hate sonic, oh well >=D they can all burn in hell! (exept for a few)

Tails heaters will be sory, and ya, exept for few.

hagya you can go fuck a cow.its not THAT hard to read.

You curse alot.

*random shit*ive been throgh the destert on a horse wit no name,it felt good to be out of the rain.cuz in the desert you cant rember yo name,cuz there aint no one gonna give you no pain..........
