I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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Posted by talls - November 18th, 2008

Well I wanted to get this on davenart, but I can't log in. This is a work in progres thow. Tell me what you think.

(This was done by my Imashon I don't know anyone named "Ashaly" and I never did Its just some person and name I came up with, and some (most probley) of the things the actale chators say, and do Proble wont say or do, and yes this might be cind of long)

Intervewer: Hello, welcome to the live intervew show!
Aduntes: *Cheres*
Intervewer: So we will be intervewing Tails today.
Tails: Hello everyone!
Intervewer: Guse what Tails.
Tails: Ummm, what?
Intervewer: Hay, John get out hear!
Aduntes: *Cheres*
Tails: *Confued*
Me: Hi everyone!
Tails: Don't...
Me: he,he,he,he...
Intervewer: Ha, I figured this was going to be funy...
Tails: ...
Intervewer: So I figure you guys know the drill?
Tails & me: Ya.
Intervewer: So I'll ask you both one thing, are Ither of you being foght over?
Tails: *Peers in to the croud*
Me: *looks at tails and says* ha,ha,ha...
Tails: *wied eyed* YOU...
Me: *trys to keep a grin* Ha,ha,ha,ha...
Tails: no...
Me: At the risk of being punched up sied the head I'm going to say, that Tails is dennfet ley lying...
*Punch sound*
Me: OW!!!!!! What the heck!!!!
Tails: *Geerr*
Me: he,he,he... ...and no.
Intervewer: Ok next qust-
Creem and Cosmo: TAILS!!!!!!!!!!
Tails: OH CRAP...
Me: *Smiles*
Tails: Why you little... ...your, not going to help me this time, are you?
Me: Well if they get the rope out agun, yes. Oh look they do have the rope...
Tails: help, me...
Creem: STAY OUT OF THIS JOHN!!!! *Fires hand gun at John*
Me: *Doges bullits then reflects one as a tellaport ball*
Creem: NOOOOOOO......... *disapeers*
Me: *sanps then the rope disapears* I'll leave you ther...
Tails: *Backs 3 speeps*
Intervewer: What, dident cosmo die?
Me: It toke me 9 crillean trys, 7 crillean, pleeds from tails, and 8 diffent spells to work...
Intervewer: Ummmm, k?
Me: This will be hulares...
Cosmo: *Dives on Tails and the two roll behind the curten* Raaagggh!
Tails: AAAAGH!!!
Me: DON'T OPEN THE CURTEN!!! You'll haft to change to rating fast.
Cosmo: Come back!
Tails: I don't want to do that hear!!!
Intervewer and Aduntes: *Gasp!!*
Me: Told you...
Intervewer and Aduntes: *Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Me: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVENT HEARD THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intervewer: You spy on him?
Me: Olny when they fight... ...anyway his room's right next to mine.
Tails: *runs out coverd in kisses and the lower part of his pants are torn* Help me John!
Me: *Puts hand to head, and stressis it, then box forms around Cosmo*
Tails: fuaa...
Me: Hum.
Tails: well I saw you giveing them those stage member passes, so I gave your "Frend" one.
Tails: ASHALY!
Me: *Quickley spinds around* Huh...
Tails: ASHALY?!
Tails: ASHALY?
Me: *Gets up and looks in to the croud*
Me: Ashaly?
Me: *Says out loow with out reaiseing it* Hm, she diden't come, oh...
Me: *Turns around and walks back to seat with head, and tails down*
Aduntes: *Oohhh... sadley*
Ashaly: JOHN!!
Me: *Quickley turns around*
Ashaly: *Runs up to John cloceley* Hi..
Me: *small blush* Umm, hi...
Intervewer: Ummm... ok, lets go on...
Me & Ashaly: *Walks to seats cloce togetor*
Intervewer: Ok, aaaaa... *mumbles* ...ta convent...
Intervewer: Ok, second quston is for everyone, Who to you like?
Cosmo: I like Tails ofisaly, and JOHN!!! LET ME OUT!!!!!!
Me: Fine. *Puts hand to head, and stressis it, then the box disapears*
Me: Their, and you don't need to yell I'm not deff.
A few croud members: Ha, ha, ha...
Tails: *Blushing* W-Well I, l-like C-Cosmo.
Me: *Blushing a little* Well I... ...like Ashaley.
Ashaley: Well, I like you too.
Me: *Blushing alot and smiles*
Me & Ashaley: ha...
Intervewer: Ok, I just maed up this one just now, Do any of you have any "dirt" on each other?
Me: Oooooo, ya I pull pranks and jokes on everyone...
Intervewer: Well tell us the best one.
Me: well I got in to Tails' web-cam from my computer, so he was asle-
Tails: THAT WAS YOU!!!!!!!
Me: Ha, ha, ha, ha... ...yes-s-s-s.... *smiles*
Tails: You woent dare...
Me: I wold dare.... *smiles*
Tails: Well if you do I got a magor you'd hate me for the rest of your life...
Me & Ashaly: YOU WOLDNT!!!!!!
Tails: I wold, but if you don't say that one I won't.
Me: Fine...
Me: Other then that one the best was when I put the bomb bag under Knuckles' pillow, oh, crap...
Me: ...He going to hert me now... ...Oh, well...
Tails: I put a freekey Tails doll picture that moved around for a few seconds then It eats the screen on John's computer backround, it scared him so much he jumped back on his seat then fliped over it!
Me: *GGaaaaa*
Tails: Ha, ha, ha...
Cosmo: Well Knuckles upset me a one of the partys we have, so I sead fast "Fat ass says what?"
Cosmo: Then as ushaly he saed "What?"
Ashaly: Well I riged the front door at the bigening of one of the partys with a shoe, It hit Ill-
Me: Ha, hum...
Ashaly: Oh, ya. Right, well it fell on "Shadow" but not the shadow your proble thinking of.
Intervewer: O, k... ...Right... So next quston...
Intervewer: Aaaaaaammm, ok, the quston I Organly was going to say was why do you like who you like?
Cosmo: Well I like Tails cuse hes smart, (*Tails sarts to blush*) nice, shy, cute, and I know he likes me.
Tails: *Blushing more* W-well I like cosmo becuse... ...I like her, alot...
Cosmo: *Blushing some and smileing* Oh, Tails...
Intervewer: Well, then... ...Ok, John?
Me: *Blushing alot* W-well I like Ashaly c-cuse... ...I feal good when she is a round me.........
Ashaly: *Blushing* W-well, I like being around you too......
Intervewer: Ok next, About how many secorts do you have?
Cosmo: A few.
Tails: Ammmmmm... Aaaaam, A cuple...
Me: Alot, my own, and others secorts...
Ashaly: A few.
Intervewer: Ok, next quston. Have you looked up pictures of yourself, and if so what did you think?
Cosmo: No.
Tails: Ya, a few times, And no I diden't like what I saw most of the time.
Me: Ya, and... ...sortof.
Ashaly: Two times, and ya.
Me: Oh god...
Knuckles: *Jumps at Jon but lands on ashaly*
Me: YOU IDOT! *John pulls Knuckles off ashaly and starts fighting him*
(*Knuckles and John fighting...* *...John then kicks him out of the bidling.*
Intervewer: You needed to do that?
Me: Yes, Yes I did.
Intervewer: Ok then.
Me: *Sits down*
Intervewer: Alright, now. Next quston, have any of you been on mishons with John?
Cosmo: Once.
Tails: I'm in his team.
Ashaly: I'm in his team too.


lol thats funny im going to make my own =)

Ha, Thanks!

ok im just going to show you mine tell me if its good!
its about tails having a sleepover.but this is only part one.

tails:wow this is going to be a really fun sleep over!

doorbell:*ding dongs reapetedly*

tails: god im going as fast as i can hold on!

tail:*opens door* um...what are you doing here amy?

amy: well since sonic is coming over i thought-

tails:*cuts off amy* no you werent invited amy go away!

amy:come on!

tails:ok i guess i could-

amy: *cuts of tails* great ill be over in an hour!

amy: *runs down street to her house*

tails:oh this is just great.....

half an hour later.....

door bell: *ding dong*!

tails: im coming!!!

tails*opens door* oh hi sonic come in!

sonic: thanks! hey tails this is going to be the best sleepover ever!

tails:um ive got something to tell you...and its not going to make you happy.

sonic:dont tell me amys sleeping over! *wide eyed look of terror*

tails: well actually....she is-

sonic *screams at the top of his voice* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

amy: whats all the yelling about?

sonic AHHHH! tails hide me! *jumps behind tails*

tails:oh come one sonic its only amy!

sonic: your not helping!

amy: oh come on sonic just enjoy the sleepover!

sonic: well thats imposible if your here.....

amy: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!! *pulls out her hammer*


amy *starts chasing sonic around with her hammer*

door bell *ding dong!*

everyone: IVE GOT IT!!!

everyone:*smacks heads together*


shadow: um...what are you guys doing?



amy: oh hi shadow


sonic: THATS IT!!

sonic and tails: *starts to fist fight*

shadow: ok uh....well..

tails: *accidently punches shadow in the face*

shadow: oh THATS IT!

shadow: *gets in the fist fite*

amy: TT will you guys quit it?

everyone exept amy: SHUT UP AMY WERE FIGHTING HERE!!


tails: o crap run!!!!

everyone exept amy: *screams and runs outside*

next door neibourgh; wtf?

amy:*chases them back in the house and straps them to the couch*

amy: now maybe you guys will come down!

everyone exept amy: TT

doorbell:*ding dong*

amy: ive got it!!



haha I kinda get it, but with your (and we all know this and I'm not being mean) bad spelling, it was kinda hard to understand, also people even though I'm a noob, please go to my webpage to see more of my noobiness, also, I might make a story too :P

Get over my speeling peeps!

thats so frakn hlorus!damn i have to make mah own!


ustimatetailsfan that is hilouras also!!


why thanks!

Why, *uuurrrmmm* your welcome!