I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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talls's News

Posted by talls - January 2nd, 2009

or so I hear, the the compy is indanger of geting back mailed, and geting bought out or somthing, but the Sonic franshise will get replaced with "Puffy the pink puppy" (or somthing like that) and its for BOYS how stupid it that!?!? and the guy is planning on pulling it off, and it geting rated "E" (My sorce says: "More like "EC"...) but befor that the back mailer will turn Tails gay, (That is the stupidest idea ever, come on have you wached "SonicX" before!?!? I don't anymore becuse they killed the storyline in EPS. 77 when Tails was forced to kill cosmo, and did not wanting to and geting vary sad...) and killing off all the charters.
My Sorce is anumits and remain so to the public. (and some one who is in the system if you know what I meen.)

(I first wroght:)or so I hear, the the compy is indanger of geting back mailed, and geting bought out or somthing, but the Sonic franshise will get replaced with "Puffy the pink puppy" (or somthing like that) and its for BOYS how stupid it that!?!? and the guy is planning on pulling it off, and it geting rated "E" (My sorce says: "More like "EC"...) but befor that the back mailer will turn Tails gay, (That is the stupidest idea ever, come on have you wached "SonicX" before!?!? I don't anymore becuse they killed the storyline in EPS. 77 when Tails was forced to kill cosmo, and did not wanting to and geting vary sad...) and killing off all the charters.
My Sorce is anumits and remain so to the public. (and some one who is in the system if you know what I meen.)

Edit1: At 1/2/09 04:52 PM, desert116 from Newgrounds wrote:

I think you understood it wrong. Sonic franchise isn't in danger. It's dead.

My responts was At 1/2/09 04:54 PM (Estern stander time) was:

No my sorce says its indanger of geting sabatoged!

Posted by talls - December 28th, 2008

ALL RIGHT, Finly!! An idea has come to me and hit me in the face with a golf club! I have came up with a Flash game idea, that I'm shoure that you guys will like. But I'll need a lot of help and susport with Scripting, Deisening, Art, Anamateing, ideas to go in it, and alot of stuff, so if you know a good tutoral on somthing, give me a link. I'LL GIVE CREDIT TO EVERYONE WHO HELPS IN ANY WAY EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A NEWGROUNDS ACOUNT, SO PLESE HELP!!!!! Thank you all, and plese help in any way you can, Thank you, vary much!!!!
P.S. This is on the NG BBS as well as a news post on my account, so comment hear, and there. Thanks!
P.S.S. Oh ya, sorry. I forgot to say its a RPG like game, (I got a little exsided) you'll beable to buy a house, car, stuff, property. And get a job, T.V, Computer, game system, lots of stuff.
And I'll need % scriptge, and stuff.

Posted by talls - December 25th, 2008

YAAAAY, ITS CHRISMAS!!! I got a lot of cool stuff, like a "MiJam Drummer", The 2008 "HESS" truck, A "wowwee" "FlyTech" "Bladestar" (My cat "Cookey" nocked the the blades off, so I olny have one now but it needs 2 =() , A set of "Gijoe" toy set with a comic (First one I think, but I diden't expect it), and a bunch of other stuff! Oh, I can't blefe I for got to list the "EyeClops" Infered Night Vision Goggles, Oh when they say "See in Absolute Darkess!" and/or, "You them...They can't see you!" THERE RIGHT!! Wonder what my grammom got me... (I'll say later on this post.)
And what my grammom got me was, moon shoes, 2 lotery tickes (,and I got 5 bucks out of it!). I got a "Spy Gear" Night Vision Goggles, but thers not Night Vision Goggles, ther Goggles with 2 LED lights on it, but its got a good filp up scope on it. But he best one I got, wich was (and is) that best gift I've goten in my life was a "Nintendo Wii"!! With "Wii Sports" (The Wii came with it, Real Fun), "Wii Muisc" (Pritty fun), "Anamal crossing: City Folk" (I LOVE IT!!!!), "Wii play" (Awsome! Billders is my favorite!), "Shrek carnavel craze" (Ugly, it sucks), "Wario land SHAKE IT" (Its littlrey "Wario land 4", redone.), and "Mario Super Slgers" (Haven't palyed it yet.).

Posted by talls - December 24th, 2008

I can't whate for tomaro!! I wonder what I'll get this year??? Still, what do you guys think you'll get?

Posted by talls - December 23rd, 2008

LOOK, LOOK, LOOK!!!! DO YA LIKE IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
PS This it the frist time I up a real photo on the internet!


Posted by talls - December 22nd, 2008

Wacth this its good. FYI: Its not myen.

/* */
My, god. I got to say I'm going to do somthing like this on Club pagune. like now.

First off Club pagune was bad when it started but when disne bought it I scremmed. Disney sucks at programing. The games are so ezie that I cold eat a taco, with out geting any on anything but my mouth, and the plate, and beat the game, or at lest get like what, 500, 300 coins. I hate disney, I never liked them. I never even liked mickey, but I loved disney world. And come on, disney reveald all the secorites about the game, key word SECORITE a** holes. but realy, it was at one point $60.00 freking dollers to be a member for a week, then you colde buy stuff. FOR $60.00 F***ING BUCKS! Thats pathick.

Posted by talls - December 21st, 2008

talls,a Newgrounds user. Agent # :001
Youtube user: food352
Stick areana user: i,kill,tails,haters (Dosent play any more)
Runeschape user:(Lost accounts: ninjaboy 636, ***********1[<not being shared]) talls34 (most used worlds: 86, & 87) (Dosent play any more)
Club paguan user: (Lost accounts: Wario636, Wario637) Anget001 (most used worlds: "unknown")
Miniclip player user: Mr.Game Freek
Dofus player user: (angt001) loue, (not useing the rest of the slots)
Neopets user: (Plese click this first!! http://www.neopets.com/refer.phtml?use rname=anegt001) (anegt001) pets: bluedragon7845 (and petpet Weebe), ivoxce (and petpet Lioby), Grant5487, and Luke7940.
millsberry user: john
Cartoon network user: yellow zelda blead
Daventart: Irule3 (Haveing sinein problems)
Dragon falble user: sarge 637 (Dosent play any more)
Unreal Software user: talls
U.S.G.N. ID: 41347
(ya, I paly everything!!)

LordTraco,a Newgrounds user. Agent # :002
Nation states user: "unknown"
Trivian user: "unknown"
Runescape user: "unknown" (most used worlds: "unknown")

latia4,a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :003

btails,a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :004

tailsfan2,a Newgrounds user. Agent # :005
Youtube user: phobos001

SUPERWONKA,a newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :006

lanecooper,a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :007

spongeboy541,a Newgrounds user. Agent # :008
Youtube user: spongeboy541 (no vids :P)
Stick arena user: Spongeboy541
Runescape user: (hasent played in forever) (most used worlds: "unknown")
Club Penguin user: (hasen't played in forever)
Toontown user: Shadow (Dog)

World of Warcraft user: gnomehaterz (realm: Dethacus)

storm truper x, a cartoon network user. (Others unknown) Agent # :009

ultimatetailsfan, a Newgrounds user. (QUIT)
You tube user: ultimatetailsfan
Runescape user: caliber527 (most used worlds: "unknown")
Myspace user: ultimatetailsfan (Replaced by NG account)

Omochao, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :010

Eponatrekka, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :011

Tarnish, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :012

passgame702, a Newgrounds user. Agent # :013
Youtube user: tailsisawsome24

jakeman12345, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :014

tailsfan123, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :015

sonic-11, newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Agent # :016

AngelBox, a newgrounds member. Agent # :017

ghostblairdarkness, Newgrounds member. Agent # :018

blasko98, a Newgrounds user. (Others unknown) Anget # :019

spartan029, a Unreal Software user. Agent # :20
U.S.G.N. ID: 21738

Vibhor, a Unreal Software user. Agent # :21

Posted by talls - December 21st, 2008

Look at this screen shot of the Doom 1 game tis olny the first Chapter I hear thow. (Needs Flash player 10 or higher to play)
But look at thos sprites ther amisinzg!!!
Oh ya, tell me and the people who use my user page what ya think you'll get for Christmas, (WICH IS IN 4 DAYZ!!!!!!!!!!!) On my last news post!!!!!!!!!!

Yo, look at this!

Posted by talls - December 21st, 2008

Christmas is in 4 days!!! Can you wate? I know I can't! I wonder what I'd get this year? What do you think you'll get?
(I got the picture on the internet)


Posted by talls - November 28th, 2008

I maed my hundrith Flash revew today!!!!
(Man, I tryed a big typeing trick but the Newgrounds formating system is formating it!)