I'm a NewGrounds furry, deal with it. Call me JohnTheWolf, JTW, or John. Eather of the three please.

Age 28, Male


The Pen Ryn School

USA, Bucks County, PA.

Joined on 9/21/07

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1,000 / 1,110
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talls's News

Posted by talls - June 3rd, 2009

I'm as bord as h***, wich is beaumeing depretion. And Some a** **** stoped infromt of some guy, who pulled over to the next lane, & caused my mom 2 rear-end em', & my mom is ok, as far as we know, But her car's radeater is punchered. Also my mom is goin 2 da hospital tomaro. Make this my sister's worst Birth-day, & mah birth-day is tomaro!!!!
BTW, look at this screener, from some more bull s*** coming from microsoft!


Posted by talls - May 10th, 2009

I'm useing GSA (Game Spy Arcade) as "Internet Explorer", wow. Oh, I if you have GSA I'm "Mr.GameFreek". & (&=And) hears a screener as prof.
May. 27, 2009 | 2:29 PM lockjones23 says:
how did you get it to do that

May. 27, 2009 | 4:27 PM talls responds:
I went to one of GAS's pages on it, told there scarch engen to scarch the web, & typed in "newgrounds", then nagavated normaly, with the excption of scerent tool bars, & stuff.


Posted by talls - March 29th, 2009

I sugest that you don't go on the internet on apirl fools' day, bucuse of the computer worm Conflicer C (< Click to read the atircle on yahoo.com!!) I read an atircle on yahoo, and they say theres a 1/4 millen ($25,000) bounty on the head of the writer. (Hmmmmm, maby I shoudent post this...aah, what the h***, why not?)
(BTW this is my deviantart account.)

Posted by talls - March 22nd, 2009

Posted by talls - March 18th, 2009

You a**s who say I'm too "Uncool" to get a girl, I got a date yesterday, and embaresed myslef, so I was problay blushing the hole time. Cuse my freinds girlfrend blabed to more then half of the 6th grade at the "Bucks county sic. fair" in that hugh atotorem in less then 10 mins... AND I GOT A DUBLE DATE ON SAT. WITH ME, MY GIRLFRIEND, MY FRIEND, AND HIS GIRLFREND, TO DA MOIVEZ! IN YO FACEZ!
We danced at a dance party we were at yesterday!

Posted by talls - March 11th, 2009

I made this news post so I don't get as many inslots as I did last time. Plese don't make me any more sad. Oh, I'm going to start a new Flash game proj. (pro-J) A maze-like-adventure game.

Posted by talls - February 6th, 2009

Lisson, The Puprle "Tails" is ME, and the Gray "Tails" is Ashaly. Ok? Good? If you dont know who that is, go read my stories. Oh, I made her up.

Posted by talls - January 18th, 2009

I am so bord, wich is leading to stress. School is hell, boring, and stressing. My labtop is crap, week, dosent hold much, and a little slow, but at leats it has faster internet then the one that everyone can use, every thing I play (in lucding newgrounds) is geting boring, I don't like flash much anymore, I got "Google schup 7" for the other computer, and got bord on the first day of useing it, sence its to slow on my computer, I'm always bord, and stressed, even when I'm asleep. (I realy don't have dreems anymore. =( ) Help me out, give me some links to some good games, tutorals that work, and sugesshons for stuff I can do, thanks.

Posted by talls - January 14th, 2009

...my s**** labtop olny has 71.2MBs left, I was trying to instal "GoogleSketchUp 7", and ended up with no "GoogleSketchUp 7", and 71.2MBs, :,( (Oh, if you want it, you can get it by clicking hear, its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!) and dam, I need a new hard drive and one that dosent have a max of 4.53GB I dleted S***, c***, and more, and now have 130.7GB, YAY!!!

Posted by talls - January 3rd, 2009

(This is still my amaganshon peeps.)

[My genral misshon is to protect my frends and the people that are cloce to me, I may seem week but when I or my frends and/or cloce ones feal thretoned I get portetive... ...And strong...]

[It was a nother day and Tails, cosmo, ashaly, and I are walking down a path in the park, but I felt dangor near... ...So I poked around in my pocket for my Desert Egile...]

Me: *Good its their*

[...Unforanatley I was right dangor was near...]

Me: Tails, take a face of acton!! Girls, Take cover!
*Cosmo & Ashaly run behind a tree and Tails and me take out are wepons.*
Me: Move, move, move!! Don't stay still stupid!
*I take cover behind a tree to relode*
Me: *Oh, no...* Tails, do you have any extra clips!?
Tails: Ya, I got a bunch, hears 8!
Me: Thanks!
*I chanber the round, slip the button, chuck the emety clip, smach a new one in, then chambers it goes to fire, but it locks...*
Me: Crap, Its jammed!
Tails: swich spocts, I'll try to fix it!
*Me and Tails swich spocts, About a minite later hes got it fixed.*
Tails: Hear!
Me: Thanks!
*We swich spots agune*

[Two shots, whent off, and whent throw a tree,... ...The one that Cosmo & Ashaly where behind, and hit them, both in the sholder]

Me: ASHALY! Tails: COSMO! (At the same time)
*Cosmo falls to the ground, holding her arm, and Ashaly falls to a chrough, we run over and ask them if ther ok...*
Me & Tails: Are you guys ok!?
Ashaly: *Haa, Haa, Haa* ya, sortof.
Cosmo: *Gaahh...* Ow..... *kinda, Not realy...
Me: Tails, get cosmo, We need to get out of hear!

[We grab'em and run home, when we get ther we BURST throw the door, past everyone, to the infermarey, then set them down on the beds...]

Me: You shore your ok?..
Ashlay: Ya...
Tails: Heal them!
Me: Love to...but remember, I lost the healing skill a few weeks ago.
Tails: Oh, ya...

[We all sit their talking to each other for a wile...]

Me: *Ta...* That was a strol in the park gone wrong...
Tails: Why Did they attack us? They ushaly leave us alown when were walking togetor...
Me: *Quick gasp* Oh, no. I'm so sorry guys...
Tails: Hum? Why? You diden't do anything... ...right?
Me: I tecknicley did, they wher after me, They had no intenchon of herting anyone elce...
Everyone but me: *Hu, gasp*
Ashaly: But why are they after you???
Me: I got all most every thing...
Me: good frends, a website, a labtop, flash, a viteocamra... ...*Blushing a little, and smiling* Someone I care about...
Ashlay: *Blushes some, and smiles too* John...
Me: ...But alot of bad things too, Enemys, Groghs, stockers... ...and people who want me dead too...

((Athoter comment: Don't forget I sead this was done with my imagashon!))

...Now that I think about it if shadow finds out about this he might want me dead too... ...But he might not fight me sence I know he knows how I get when I get protectve... ...but its like him to fight me anyway.
Me: Ok, anofe tolking to myself, time to fix those wonds up... *Walks to counter and looks in drows and camints* Found'em *Walking back over with rapping cloth, medacen, and twers* Ok, whos first?
Ashaly: Cosmo, she not usted to puting up with this pain.
Me: Ok then. *Sets susplise down in between the beads then picks up tweres* Alright 1. It dosent hert as much if you don't look and 2. Its bes- *I cut myself off* Tails, over hear. *Tails walks over, and we start to wisper*
Tails: Ok.
Me: and 1. its bes- *Humm... ...aa! Oh, oops.* 2. Another thing that helps is if you squize someone's hand... ...Tails? *Tails walks over and he and cosmo grab eachother's hand, blushing, but hardle noteisable*
Me: Ok now...lets see...
Cosmo: *Tss* *Owch*
Me: Sorry, oh!!! ...annnnd... ...got it! Now a little medacen...now the cloth. Thier.
Cosmo: Tanks...
Me: Ok, Ashaly, your turn...
Ashaly: Ok... *We grab eachothers' hand, then I work on the wond*
Me: Ah, thire you go.
Misshon pad-T.F.C. HQ misson offichal-Agent 058: *Stadic* Agent 058, to Team one. Come in. Over... *Stadic*
Me: *Stadic* This is Agent 001, responding... Over... *Stadic*
Misshon pad-T.F.C. HQ misson offichal-Agent 058: *Stadic* I have a misshon you guys. Over... *Stadic*
Me: *Stadic* State the misshon... Over... *Stadic*
Misshon pad-T.F.C. HQ misson offichal-Agent 058: *Stadic* Sorry, but its a war misshon... Over... *Stadic*
Me: *Stadic* Another one?! Dam it...Over... *Stadic*
Misshon pad-HQ misson offichal-Agent 058: *Stadic* Yes, sorry. Your qurdernets are 87'42W, 72'46L. Over... *Stadic*
Me: *Stadic* Rogger that...Over...end... *Stadic* Ok, Team, move out!

(To be contuied sometime)
(posable not...)