YAAAAY, ITS CHRISMAS!!! I got a lot of cool stuff, like a "MiJam Drummer", The 2008 "HESS" truck, A "wowwee" "FlyTech" "Bladestar" (My cat "Cookey" nocked the the blades off, so I olny have one now but it needs 2 =() , A set of "Gijoe" toy set with a comic (First one I think, but I diden't expect it), and a bunch of other stuff! Oh, I can't blefe I for got to list the "EyeClops" Infered Night Vision Goggles, Oh when they say "See in Absolute Darkess!" and/or, "You them...They can't see you!" THERE RIGHT!! Wonder what my grammom got me... (I'll say later on this post.)
And what my grammom got me was, moon shoes, 2 lotery tickes (,and I got 5 bucks out of it!). I got a "Spy Gear" Night Vision Goggles, but thers not Night Vision Goggles, ther Goggles with 2 LED lights on it, but its got a good filp up scope on it. But he best one I got, wich was (and is) that best gift I've goten in my life was a "Nintendo Wii"!! With "Wii Sports" (The Wii came with it, Real Fun), "Wii Muisc" (Pritty fun), "Anamal crossing: City Folk" (I LOVE IT!!!!), "Wii play" (Awsome! Billders is my favorite!), "Shrek carnavel craze" (Ugly, it sucks), "Wario land SHAKE IT" (Its littlrey "Wario land 4", redone.), and "Mario Super Slgers" (Haven't palyed it yet.).
i gots a x-box 360 and a i-pod!1yeaz for good gifts!!
Wow, Sweet!